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QCA Info Sessions
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Harrisburg University’s Quantum Computing Academy (QCA) is a unique enrichment program designed for students who excel in their regular school studies in science, mathematics, or computers.
The programs within the QCA introduce exceptionally enthusiastic and motivated students to the ideas behind programming quantum computers by guiding students through a hands-on exploration of quantum algorithms that can solve complex scientific- and business-compute problems. The small class size of QCA programs situates learners with a content-rich, interactive, and team-oriented experience, supported by a high degree of personal attention.

In QCA programs, students can advance their intellectual growth beyond the traditional levels in conventional and AP schooling; they will delve into advanced computing technologies that few of their school peers have imagined. While the content is designed to be ‘a reach’ for all, the instructors are passionate about each student’s growth regardless of their starting point.
The programs may organize students into small teams for project work; so that they also develop their group skills and learn from one other — an environment that is critical in advanced sciences.

Fee $320 per student/section

Enrollment in each session may be limited to 12 students to allow for greater personal attention to individual students. Each student will need regular access to an Internet-connected laptop computer with basic capabilities and ample disk space— Jupyter Notebook, ability to sign up with IBM-Q, D-Wave Leap.

After the program, students will receive one of two certificates: either a “Certificate of Participation” or a “Certificate of Achievement.” After-class parent/instructor student-progress conversations are welcome and urged.

Students will be guided—in a hands-on manner—through the mathematical foundations and programming basics necessary for the programming of several different types of quantum computers. Students will be led through advanced mathematical topics, as necessary, for understanding the material and advancing through the course. In later sessions, the student will apply these basic skills towards exploring and solving complex problems, including understanding how the advancement of quantum computing is threatening today’s computer security. Students will run their quantum programs both on quantum simulators and on actual quantum computers.

The sessions are intended to be highly interactive with hands-on activities. When possible, guest speakers from the industry may join selected meetings. Following the end of the weekday class meeting time, students will optionally have an extra hour of access to the instructor(s) for more coaching, project opportunities, or career planning in quantum computing, if they choose.


Dr. Terrill Frantz, is a full-time professor at Harrisburg University and has been programming computers since he was teenager in the 1970s. Dr. Frantz’s passionate desire is to mentor those students who oppose being docile to the technology and instead seek to have a command over that same technology….nerds, geeks, or normal people, alike.




Alex Khan is a corporate faculty at Harrisburg University and is an experienced business-technology executive with a demonstrated history of delivering results in the healthcare, insurance and financial verticals. He has been teaching Quantum Computing courses at Harrisburg University for the past year — from High School to Master Degree level—and is project director for the Quantum Computing Research Incubator at the university.

More information can also be found at www.alignedit.com




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Please contact campsupport@harrisburgu.edu BEFORE registering so that your connectivity can be assessed by our IT department.